Coronavirus FAQ’s


Due to the chaos out there at the moment and the fact that most business has ground to a halt, there are quite a few of you, including my clients that are desperately searching for legitimate information not just on the Coronavirus but how it’s impacting Florida Real Estate. Buying, selling, renting is currently affected by the pandemic. Many of you have contacted me with your questions and concerns.
▪In an effort to contribute to the solution and not be a part of the chaos, I created this resource vault to help you with your questions on the Coronavirus, as well as it’s impact on Florida Real Estate.
▪Disclaimer-this is my best effort to report legitimate info. However, it will change over the next few weeks and even year due to gathering of statistical evidence, research, and experience. What is thought to be true today may prove to be inaccurate tomorrow. However we need to chart a best course now or suffer the consequences of inaction.
▪Currently we seem to be in a panic mode. Many of you are still trying to figure out what’s going on, what this virus is all about, and how you should deal with your day to day life.
▪This is partially due to the mixed messages we are getting from our politicians at the top.

▪It’s up to you to do your own research and act on your findings

▪Here are some recommendations:
▪With knowledge comes direction and ability to stay calm and chart a course
▪Self isolate-do not go to group meetings or gatherings
▪Stay 6 ft. from others when grocery shopping
▪If you cough use your elbow as the buffer.
▪The virus appears to be spread mainly by droplets of saliva, sneezes, or contact with infected persons mucus.▪Wear a mask if possible
▪It also appears to live for hours or even days on hard surfaces
▪Use a disinfectant wipe on all surfaces that are touched, ie. Door knobs, handles, countertops, etc
▪ Wash your hands for 20 to 30 seconds often.
▪Use an alcohol based rub when you can’t wash your hands.


▪It seems the most reported symptoms that differentiate the Coronavirus from other common flus is that many report a dry cough and fever.
▪It then can develop into respiratory complications which can result in shortness of breath and in some cases pneumonia and death.

▪The reason that you need to self isolate even if your government is relaxing standards is that even if you aren’t showing symptoms you can be a carrier. You can infect many other persons.
▪Some of them will need hospitalization and not just those over 60 years. Up to 20-40% of those under 50 will also need medical care.
▪This will overload the hospitals and as we have seen in Spain and Italy, and now New York. The Doctors will be faced with deciding who lives and dies, due to the lack of ventilators and staff.
▪The progression curve of the virus is spiking very quickly in the US and will continue to grow unless we take action to slow the spread of the virus.
▪We are now experiencing the same shortage of ventilators and hospital supplies as Italy and Spain.
▪There are currently no vaccines or drugs of treatment that are approved for the Coronavirus.

You have a choice as each and every one us of does:

You can deny or panic and be a part of the problem…or

You can take action to do your part.

We can get through this and be stronger and more cohesive if we choose to take the correct and safe action.