You are in the right place! Although the Orlando Vacation New home market is hot, there are a few inventories available due to cancellations, or purchasers that were not approved for their mortgage.
Watch this video or scroll down for more info!
You can seize this opportunity to own a Florida Vacation Home that can be rented year round to help offset the costs.
It’s the best of all worlds, and you get to enjoy your very own place in the Florida sun.
So here are a few examples. For the full tour, call us to set up a time to view these beautiful new Orlando Vacation Inventory Homes.
Championsgate or Champions Gate New Vacation Inventory homes.
Click on the link to view the details.
ChampionsGate New Vacation Inventory Homes click here!
Solterra Resort New Home Inventory Click here!
Reunion Resort New Home Inventory click here!
Windsor at Westside
Windsor At Westside New Inventory Homes click here!
If you have specific questions or need to schedule a viewing call us at
407-908-8023 or 407-702-8663
or enter your details below and we will be in touch!