Florida Real Estate Referral Partner
Would you like to know a secret to doubling your income in real estate?
Are you always on the lookout for new ways to make money with your real estate career?
Well…you are in the right place at the right time!
I’m Chris Poff, Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker and internationally known Florida Property specialist.
Since 1998, my business partner Colin and I have helped our clients buy and sell Florida real estate, and more specifically vacation homes in Florida, luxury homes in Florida, and retirement homes in Florida.
Our clients come from all over the world, including the US.
Over the years, I have had the pleasure to set up referral relationships with other real estate agents from the US and all over the world.
Some of these resulted in annual referral fees that equaled or even surpassed my referral partners current income.
How can that be? Are you skeptical?
You should be!
It’s the easiest money that you will ever earn in real estate!
What could be better than refer a client to your partner in Central Florida that is internationally known for their honesty, knowledge, and expertise in Florida Vacation homes, and Florida property.
A short time later, usually 45-90 days, the purchase is completed, and you receive a referral payment for your effort.
Sounds pretty simple and easy?
It is! It is the easiest money you will ever earn in real estate.
So how do you know if you are a good fit to be a referral partner to our FLORIDA REAL ESTATE WIZARDS team of specialists?
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, we should discuss your potential.
Do you pride yourself on honest and conscientious service to your clients?
Do you have a strong referral base that you could contact as to their interest in Florida property?
Are you an internet geek that loves to develop contacts via your websites and internet marketing?
Do you have list that you can easily contact on the internet?
Do you love Florida and/or already have interest in investing in Florida real estate?
Are you searching for a way to supplement your income as a real estate professional in your home city?
Would you like to learn how easy it is to promote Florida Real Estate as our referral partner?
If you answered yes to 1 or more than one of these questions, we should discuss your next step!
Our successful referral partners fall into 3 categories:
The only requirement that we have for anyone that we partner with is honesty and commitment to customer service as top priority.
1. The first group is a seasoned veteran with a large client base. This a no brainer because all it takes is putting the word out.
2. The second referral partner that does very well is the internet geek. This partner has built a large following on the internet, and understands the value of internet marketing and list building.
The third group is someone that is willing to learn and explore new ways to market themselves, especially if they possess overlapping businesses, or skills. One of our referral partners owned a vacation management company. It was a perfect fit to develop prospects for Florida Real Estate.
So…take the next step! Call us for a discussion of your potential; 407-908-8023 or 407-702-8663, or complete the contact details below and we will be in touch!
Enter Your Details Below and We will Be In Touch!